Sunday, December 23, 2012

8 tips to be a professional coach

Being a professional coach is one of the most needed habit to lead a group of people or simple business, within this post you will learn 8 tips you have to know to be a professional coach.
Coaching Skills

  1. Listing.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Constructively Challenging.
  4. Holding to account.
  5. Seeing different representatives. 
  6. Supporting.
  7. Trusting.
  8. Keeping focus in your client.

  • Listing: When we grow day and day we learn how to educate and read more and more, but not how to listen. But when it's business talk you must learn how to listen. When we are talking about coaching you really need to learn how to listen, and put in concerns what is said by others and their opinions. Not listing the words is the only need task that should be done by you, but you also need to listen to non verbal actions. such as body language. How to receive a message in communication skill.
  • Questioning: Everybody can ask questions, but when you are a coach you should ask a professional questions, these questions should be as short as possible (7 words or less), Open not closed, you should consider the person who is

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to write a professional CV

When ever you want to find a job you should market your self, marketing your self is to show all benefits you have and had, The only and main weapon you need to market your self before reaching the interview step, is the CV.

So always keep in mind that having a good job = Submitting good CV. Today in our topic we will explain briefly what you need to do to have a great C.V in 10 tips.

1st you should know that there is no right way to write a CV, but there are basics that MUST be in the C.V that includes the following:
  • Personal Information.
  • Contact Information.
  • Education and qualification. 
  • Work history or experience.
  • Skills.
  • Interests.
  • Achievements.
  • Hobbies. 
2nd Good presentation is the main key.
A good presentation for a CV is one of the most effected keys, it should be clearly represented and printed on a white A4 paper.

The main hotspot in the C.V is the upper middle area, so always make sure that this part of the paper includes the most important information you want to present.

3rd Always remember, no more than 2 pages.
A good CV is a short and clear CV using as minimum words as possible, without a lot of

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Socializing Skills

Social skills is simple skills that helps you to interact  and communicate with others, Social rules and basics are created by verbal or nonverbal action, these actions are called Socializing. which includes persuasion, active listening, leadership, and delegation.

There is a term called "Interpersonal Skills", is used in business field, which refers to measure the person's ability to interact and communicate with people, team members or customers.
Socializing Skills
In general a respectful and professional communication,w will reduce reduce conflict and increase participation or assistance to reach the data you need to

Monday, December 3, 2012

Top 10 Interview skills- part 2

In our previous post we mentioned 1st 5 skills you need to know and do to have a great interview, today we will discuses the other 5 skills needed.

Top 10 Interview skills- part 1

  •  Use professional language: when ever you are having interview, always try to act professional even the way you talk, don't use and slang language or phrase. In addition don't use any words that can refer to religious or political belonging. 

  • Don't be a cocky person: Notice that there is a big difference between self confidence, modesty and professionalism. so always focus which character you are using and when.
  •  Take care when answering questions: some questions has some tricks, these questions are used to describe a habit or character or even you past, so what you have to do before answering is to try to understand the

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Top 10 Interview skills- part 1

Today we will start any new lesson related to interview skills, we will discuses top 10 skills that can get you a great job you always dreamed of.

Top 10 interview skills.
  • Your dress: Before entering the interview room, you may see your self on the mirror you may start asking do i look as i should be? you should know that when you are having an interview you are marketing your self as a product. so you should look formal as possible and never forget the accessories. 
  • Listen: Yes learn to be a good listener, you have to know that every word the interviewer says he want to deliver to you data, either direct or indirect, not listening to theses data will make you lose a lot of points and data that well hardly help you to

Friday, November 30, 2012

How to receive a message in communication skills- Part 2

How to receive a message in communication skills- Part 1

In the 2nd part of  How to receive a message in communication skills we will talk about th
e last two points within our subject which are...
  • Reflective listing skills.
  • Other tools to receive a message.

 Reflective listening skills:
When ever you receive a message from the speaker, you should show the speaker that you got the point and you understood what does the speaker mean by what he just said.

-Paraphrasing: This is a concise statement of the content of the speaker's message. A paraphrase should be brief, and focus on the facts or ideas of the message rather than just the feeling. The paraphrase should be in the listener's own words he just said rather than "parroting back", using the speaker's words.
 " You believe and agree that Bob will fit on the job and he will be satisfied".
 " You think my kind need evaluation, so he can do better in his exams".

-Reflecting feelings: The listener should

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to receive a message in communication skills- Part 1

Previous related posts:
Communication between people is simply a person who talks, and other who listen, in this topic we will talk about receiving a message from the speaker, When you receive a message you should be aware of the following:

  • Listening.
  • Giving full attention to the speaker.
  • Focus on the speaker nonverbal language.
  • Being attention to feelings and words.
  • Reflective listing skills. (Will be in Part 2)
  • Other tools to receive a message. (Will be in Part 2)
 Believe it or not, listening requires more skills than hearing, because it requires  a desire of understanding another human, the way you listen will effect on the way the words will get out of the speakers mouth. it requires a high level of concentration, because it makes you see the world through the speaker's eye.

So listening... 
  • Has a psychological communication with the speaker
  • Requires high energy and concentration.
  • Includes desire to see the world with speaker's eye.
  • Need evaluation and judgment.
Now we will mention keys for having great listening skills:

-Verbal: being attention to the speakers words and