Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to write a professional CV

When ever you want to find a job you should market your self, marketing your self is to show all benefits you have and had, The only and main weapon you need to market your self before reaching the interview step, is the CV.

So always keep in mind that having a good job = Submitting good CV. Today in our topic we will explain briefly what you need to do to have a great C.V in 10 tips.

1st you should know that there is no right way to write a CV, but there are basics that MUST be in the C.V that includes the following:
  • Personal Information.
  • Contact Information.
  • Education and qualification. 
  • Work history or experience.
  • Skills.
  • Interests.
  • Achievements.
  • Hobbies. 
2nd Good presentation is the main key.
A good presentation for a CV is one of the most effected keys, it should be clearly represented and printed on a white A4 paper.

The main hotspot in the C.V is the upper middle area, so always make sure that this part of the paper includes the most important information you want to present.

3rd Always remember, no more than 2 pages.
A good CV is a short and clear CV using as minimum words as possible, without a lot of
Bla Bla Bla and stories. so always keep it short and sweet.

4th Understand the job description.
 Try to read as much as possible about the job description, start writing down notes, try to ask your friends who works in the same job what is this job tricks and secrets. then try to organize the points mentioned in the CV to fit with the job description.
In addition for example if the job description requires sales skills, what would prevent you from reading and asking Google about information about sales skills? So read about it.

5th  Have a unique CV.
Regarding the 4th point about different job description, make sure to create a separate CV for ever separate job, don't hope that a general CV will work with all jobs, because it won't.

6th Make the most of experince
Always take care about the used language under the word experience, use positive words such as "developed", "organized" or "achieved", try to relate your skills with your experience.
Here is a simple example: "The work experience involved a team work," or "This position involved planning, organization and leadership as I was responsible for a team of people".

7th This is very simple
Always keep your CV updated. always remember this point. 

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